Meditation for Happiness

Can we meditate our way through happiness? Is happiness coming from the outer circumstances, or is it buried inside of us, waiting to be discovered?

A study from several years ago revealed an amazing fact: The individuals who did meditation proved to have a thicker and stronger cortex (the side of the brain which processes emotions, sensory awareness, and attention) than those who did not.

It translates to a change in our brain structure, which is gradually brought by regular meditation practice so that we are able to experience more positive emotions. Meditation has proven to help its practitioners get in touch with their feelings. And, at the same time, it can make us feel happier and more optimistic while we discover our sense of spirituality. It can allow us to accept ourselves for who we are and grow a sense of fulfillment. It enables us to develop compassion and empathy. It will improve our relationships with others.

Step By Step Guide For The Meditation For Happiness

  • To practice the meditation for happiness, do the following:
  • Sit comfortably or lie down and, if you want, close the eyes. 
  • Focus on your breath and breathe deeply and rarely. Inhale relaxation and a sense of calmness. When you exhale, relax all tensions. Allow your entire body to relax, from the scalp to the feet;
  • Concentrate on the still, quiet center of your being, maintaining the body relaxed, your emotions tranquil, the mind peaceful and wide;
  • Remember a time when you felt great joy and well-being, maybe when you went to your favorite holiday destination or with a close friend;
  • Remember this experience as detailed as possible. Visualize that moment, if you can. Recall what you were doing, the surroundings, the people you were with, all the sounds and images of it;
  • Recall how this joyful experience felt in your body. Did you feel light, expansive, and energetic? How was this feeling of well-being experienced by your mind? Spend some time analyzing the sensations in your body and the state of your mind. Allow them to fully revive while you are breathing in this feeling of joy. With each exhalation, relax even more;
  • Exercise the meditation for happiness every day for one week. Sometimes, you will discover that you can just invoke and keep these feelings of joy and well-being without having to remember that particular memory;
  • Practice this meditation whenever you feel down or when you want to feel more joy and well-being in your life.

Meditation Benefits

  • Meditation has proven by scientific research to have a lot of benefits, for example, it:
  • Alleviates heart disease, high blood pressure;
  • Helps in conditions like migraines, as well as diabetes and arthritis;
  • Allows us to relax, by reducing the heartbeats, breathing and the blood lactate levels and increasing the alpha activity of the brain;
  • Slows down obsessive thinking, depression, anxiety, and hostility.
  • If you are suffering from any conditions, it is recommendable to ask your physician about starting a meditation practice. 

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