Five Benefits Of A Strong Core

Most people believe that yoga is only for the flexible among us; the slim, bendy, yoga athletes. But it is simply not the case; yoga is not about flexibility. In fact, if you have too much flexibility and not enough strength, you could be in for some serious physical problems later in life. Yes, yoga does increase flexibility by lengthening the muscles, but it also vastly improves strength and mobility. 

The phrase ‘use it or lose it’ is especially true when it comes to movement and mobility. Our bodies are our greatest gifts, and we can take care of them through a regular movement practice that will benefit us throughout our lifetimes. 

An added benefit that yoga gives us is a strong core, and this does not just mean developing a six-pack. Yoga works on our deep abdominal muscles, including all the muscles in the middle area of the body, thus protecting the spine. The spine is one of the most important parts of our body. It supports our entire nervous system, sending information from the brain to the rest of the body, and vice versa. Ensuring it is supported and protected is vital for our overall wellbeing. Below are the five main benefits that come from working on our core. 

1. Posture

Many of us spend a lot of time hunched over; at desks, on our phones, or driving. Proper posture is standing tall with the neck extended and shoulders back. Often we don’t consciously think about the way we stand. 

By working on our core muscles, we make them strong enough to hold our skeletal system in the proper place. It makes the correct posture more accessible and more comfortable. Our breathing improves, and the spine is better supported. 

2 Balance

As we get older, one of the abilities we struggle to maintain is balance. Taking time to work on our core when we are younger will make us less prone to falling and injury in our later years. A strong core can help us to move freely and comfortably throughout our lifetime, without losing our balance. 

3. Lower Back Pain

Most of us will suffer from some degree of lower back pain at some point in our lives. The deep abdominal muscles play a crucial part in supporting the girdle and pelvic area. If these muscles are weak, the muscles in the lower back have to work extra hard in holding the spine straight. In turn, causing pain and discomfort. 

4. Improve Your Practice 

Strength, mobility, and balance all make up a strong yoga practice. By improving your core, you will be able to move safely deeper into each pose. Even the more ‘simple’ poses such as downward dog, tree and mountain pose, will feel stronger and more grounded. 

5. Fight Or Flight

Our deepest core muscle, the Psoas – also known as the muscle of the soul – is directly linked to our fight or flight response. It connects us to the present moment, literally embodying our most deep-seated survival instincts. Yoga vastly improves the Psoas, benefiting not only our physical health but also our mental health by refining our response to stress. 

A strong core serves us in all areas of our lives. Each time you step onto your mat, give your deep core muscles 5-10 minutes of TLC and enjoy the lifelong benefits.

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